Friday, 14 March 2014

MacOSX - howto "burn" CD image to USB stick

Insert USB stick and find out mount point:
dhcp54:~ bgerofi$ mount
/dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
/dev/disk1s2 on /Volumes/Adium 1.5.9 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, read-only, noowners, quarantine, mounted by bgerofi)
/dev/disk2s1 on /Volumes/USB20FD (msdos, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners)

Unmount (without eject) parition:
dhcp54:Downloads bgerofi$ sudo diskutil umount /dev/disk2s1
Volume USB20FD on disk2s1 unmounted

Overwrite block device with .iso image:
dhcp54:Downloads bgerofi$ sudo dd bs=2097152 if=~/Downloads/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/disk2
441+1 records in
441+1 records out
925892608 bytes transferred in 360.621256 secs (2567493 bytes/sec)